Finally, Equinox 2019, the evening of March 20th, here comes the spring.
For some, this was the longest winter of their life.
God knows it felt good to take my shirt off and lay on the sunny deck of my friend’s house, snow still covering some of the trees in her backyard.
Can’t say I didn’t love on some powder days down by Copper Mountain, they certainly were not too many.
My skin, nonetheless, was craving fresh air and direct sunlight.
More importantly, I was craving human contact, and a place to let go.
Moving Forward with our S#!^
It’s beautiful to feel part of a community, essential perhaps. It’s also easy to forget, to shut down and hide in the corner. Sometimes this is what we need, and sometimes we simply can’t cope with all the s#!^ we got going on in our life.
Those who continuously delve into self-exploration may be most prone to suffer from this. The trick is to find a balance point where we can look at our s#!^ and our shadow in order to gain awareness, while remaining compassionate and forgiving with ourselves.
In the same way, it’s important to surround ourselves with people that love and accept us fully, s#!^ and all, without pushing too far those who point their fingers towards our shadows.
Dancing with these Polarities
Dance jams and contact improv classes can be some of the best places to explore these opposites.
As soon as we walk into the space our senses start to pull on our awareness, we feel attraction towards some people, and repulsion against others. We can accept their presence, but this doesn’t mean we need to get involved. We may also find others closed off from us, unwilling to connect, and people on the other side of the spectrum, eager to reach in and touch our hearts.
For me, the night was a perfect blend of all this, a mixture of feeling fulfilled in my desire to open, while being present with all the parts of me that remain closed.
Sitting with the Tribe
It was beautifully-weird to sit in a circle after spending so much time in isolation. In part, it felt as if I had never left.
I had also forgotten how awesome it is to cuddle with so many amazing people after the dance jam. It’s crazy to see how quickly we can build connection and comfort with each other. It really gets me to wonder what the world would be like if everyone could find spaces like this with more ease.
On that note, much gratitude to those who organized and contributed to this super sweet equinox dance jam and contact improv class at Vali Soul Sanctuary. It was exactly what I needed to start this new cycle feeling empowered and inspired to bring the best of me to the community and to myself.
Mucho Mahalo,
Bruno Treves
About the Author
Bruno Treves helps people get out of pain, feel better and improve their lives. Bruno’s approach focuses on alternative medicine and natural healing methods.
View all of Bruno’s posts here.